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UNIX初期の歴史再検証 --- Part11




Work began in the early months of 1977 on the compiler, assembler, and loader for the Interdata machine. Soon after its delivery at the end of April 1977, we were ready to check out the compiler. At about the same time, the operating system was being scrutinized for nonportable constructions. During May, the Interdata-specific code in the kernel was written, and by June, it was working well enough to begin moving large amounts of software; T. L. Lyon aided us greatly by tackling the bulk of this work. By August, the system was unmistakably UNIX, and it was clear that, as a research project, the portability effort had succeeded, though there were still programs to be moved and bugs to be stamped out. From late summer until October 1977, work proceeded more slowly, owing to a combination of hardware difficulties and other claims on our time; by the spring of 1978 the portability work as such was complete.

これは、前後の文脈からInterdata 8/32のことです。

 http://cm.bell-labs.co/who/dmr/portpapers.htmlには、同時期にオーストラリアのウロンゴン大学のミラーらがInterdata 7/32への移植を行っていたことが書かれていますが、その移植作業の完了時期はこの文書には書かれていません。
http://cm.bell-labs.co/who/dmr/otherports/ibm.htmlによれば1980年代の前半にIBM System/370に移植されていたようです。(2021/8/21 追記: ウロンゴン大学でInterdata 7/32への移植作業を行ったミラー氏が、Usenix 1998において当時を回顧した講演をしており、その内容を記したものによると、移植を完了したのは1977年の7月であるということで、上述のInterdata 8/32への移植が完了した時期より古いことがわかります。)



It has evolved continuously both in time, as new functions are added and old problems repaired, and in space, as various organizations add features intended to meet their own needs.

ただ、1974年版の"The UNIX Time-Sharing System"では、Abstractの末尾に

This is a revised version of a paper presented at the Fourth CM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles, IBM Thomas . Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights. New York, October 15-17, 1973.

 また、バージョン4バージョン5のマニュアルに、それまでの累積のインストール台数が、"above 20", "above 50"と大雑把にしか書かれていないことから、バージョン3,4あたりで外に出たことがうかがえます。

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